4, Rue Deschênes, Gatineau QC J9H 1N1
Emergency contact +1 (819) 318-2486

BUGS HAVE NO MERCY... For any emergency, call us at +1 (819) 318-2486

Environmentally friendly

All treatments products are environmentally friendly.

Quick inspection

It is very difficult to identify insects and other pests by phone or email.

Certify to protect you

Our team holds full professional certifications in pest management.

Pest control

We offer you safe solutions to get rid of parasites as quickly as possible

Welcome to Extermination Parasitex, your exterminator in Gatineau

Extermination Parasitex is an extermination and animal control company in Gatineau. Our professional company is based expert team and a quality assurance program. This guarantees everyone that our extermination, pest management and animal control service complies with high-quality norms and standards.
Extermination résidentielle 
Residential extermination 

Many unwanted animals and insects visit or settle in residential and commercial buildings, industrial sites and ...

Extermination commercial
Commercial extermination

We can fight these pests by improving sanitation and garbage control, changing habitat, and using ...

Réparations mineures
Minor repairs

It is only possible that rodents are doing damage to the surfaces, walls and roofs of your residence. After setting ...

Nouvelle acquisition Extermination Parasitex

Convectex traitement thermique et écologique sans pesticide contre les punaises de lits. Résultats garantie à 100 %
Extermination Gatineau

Gatineau extermination and animal control

It is very difficult to identify insects and other pests by phone or email. Need to know what kind of insects or rodents are in your house? Here are a few insects listed to keep in mind when trying to identify a pest.
Les Rats

Our industry standard insect pest control service is guaranteed to get rid of your insect problems


Our industry standard insect pest control service is guaranteed to get rid of your insect problems

Ver de farine

Our industry standard insect pest control service is guaranteed to get rid of your insect problems


Our industry standard insect pest control service is guaranteed to get rid of your insect problems


Our industry standard insect pest control service is guaranteed to get rid of your insect problems


Our industry standard insect pest control service is guaranteed to get rid of your insect problems


Our industry standard insect pest control service is guaranteed to get rid of your insect problems


Our industry standard insect pest control service is guaranteed to get rid of your insect problems


Our industry standard insect pest control service is guaranteed to get rid of your insect problems

Stay connected to know the discounts on our services

Gatineau extermination and animal control

A human and experienced company

Our primary mission is to create healthy, comfortable and clean environments that provide peace of mind to our clients while creating extraordinary relationships with them.

BABIES HAVE NO MERCY ... Call us at +1 (819) 318-2486